====== CreateBitmap ====== Creates a bitmap. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%Item CreateBitmap (TagArg *args) Item CreateBitmapVA (uint32 args,...)%%'' ==== Description ==== This call creates a bitmap item that has the characteristics specified by the tag arguments. ==== Tag Arguments ==== The following tags must be present: * **CBM_TAG_DONE** Marks the end of the tag argument list. * **CBM_TAG_WIDTH** Sets the bitmap width, in pixels. * **CBM_TAG_HEIGHT** Specifies the bitmap height, in pixels. * **CBM_TAG_BUFFER** Specifies the starting address of the bitmap buffer. The following tags are optional: * **CBM_TAG_CLIPWIDTH** Specifies the width of the clipping region (default: the value of CBM_TAG_WIDTH). * **CBM_TAG_CLIPHEIGHT** Specifies the height of the clipping region (default: the value of CBM_TAG_HEIGHT). * **CBM_TAG_CLIPX** Specifies the left edge of the clipping region (default: 0). * **CBM_TAG_CLIPY** Specifies the top edge of the clipping region (default: 0). CBM_TAG_WATCHDOGCTR * **CBM_TAG_CECONTROL** Specifies the CEControl register to be loaded into hardware when this bitmap is used (default: (B15POS_PDC | B0POS_PPMP | CFBDSUB | CFBDLSB_CFBD0 | PDCLSB_PDC0)). ==== Arguments ==== * **args** Pointer to an array of tag arguments for the bitmap. The last element of the array must be the value TAG_END. For a list of tag arguments for bitmaps, see [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:09spr#xref15850|Portfolio Items]] in the System Programmers Guide. ==== Return Value ==== The call returns the item number of the new bitmap or an error number (a negative value) if an error occurs. GRAFERR_BUFWIDTH is returned if the specified width of the bitmap buffer is not valid. GRAFERR_BADBITMAPSPEC is returned if there is an error in the bitmap specification not covered by some other error code. GRAFERR_NOWRITEACCESS is returned if the memory specified by the bitmap buffer is not writable by the calling task. GRAFERR_BADCLIP is returned if illegal clip values (for instance, larger than the size of the bitmap area) are specified. ==== Notes ==== CBM_TAG_CLIPX and CBM_TAG_CLIPY move the origin of the bitmap coordinate system to the specified location. ==== Implementation ==== Macro implemented in graphics.h V20. ==== Associated File ==== graphics.h ==== See Also ==== ''%%CreateItem%%''(), [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:ggsfldr:gprfldr:01gpr011#xref24106|DeleteBitmap]](), [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:01spr032#xref18938|DeleteItem]]()