====== Testing the Extended Joystick ====== ---- To test the joystick, follow this procedure:
  1. Install the sample software.
  2. Connect the extended joystick to the control port on the 3DO Development Station (or Development Card).
  3. Start the 3DO Station and the Macintosh and launch the Debugger.
  4. In the Debugger Terminal window, Type:


    ''%%$c/cpdump %%''\\

    and press Enter''%%.%%''

    This generates a simple listing of all currently connected devices. The joystick should be one of them.

  5. To use one of the demo programs, type the name of the program in the Debugger Terminal window.

    Example programs are provided in the //3DO:examples:Eventbroker// folder and also on the 3DO InfoServer bulletin board (415-261-3405).