====== CenterRectAACelOverIPoint ====== Centers an anti-aliased cel over a point. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%void CenterRectAACelOverIPoint (CCB *cel, IPoint *point)%%'' ==== Description ==== Centers an anti-aliased cel over the specified point. The ccb_XPos and ccb_YPos fields in both the data and alpha- channel CCBs are modified. Other CCB fields are not modified.The centering is based on the cel's projected size, not its source data size. If the cel is projected to a non-rectangular shape, the result is invalid. ==== Arguments ==== * **cel** Pointer to the cel to be centered. * **point** Pointer to an IPoint over which the cel is to be centered. ==== Implementation ==== Library call implemented in lib3do.lib. ==== Associated Files ==== lib3do.lib, celutils.h ==== See Also ==== [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo019#xref21728|''%%CenterRectAACelOverFPoint%%'']], [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo028#xref31246|CenterRectCelListOverIPoint]], [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo030#xref18762|CenterRectCelOverIPoint]]