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Displays the bitmap(s) of the specified screen (or screens).


Err DisplayScreen (Item screenItem0,Item screenItem1)


This call displays the bitmap(s) of the specified screen (or screens). The screenItem0 argument specifies the screen to be added to the display. For a stereoscopic or interlaced display, the screenItem1 argument can specify a second screen structure to be displayed in the odd field of the video frame.

The second argument can be NULL, or the same as the first, to specify a simple single-screen display.


Return Value

The call returns 0 if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs.

GRAFERR_NOTOWNER is returned if the screen item(s) specified are not owned by the current task and have not been opened with OpenItem() calls.

GRAFERR_SGNOTINUSE is returned if AddScreenGroup() has not been called for the screenGroup containing the specified screen(s).

GRAFERR_MIXEDSCREENS is returned if the specified screen items belong to different screenGroups.


Folio call implemented in the Graphics folio V20.

Associated Files

graphics.h, graphics.lib

See Also

AddScreenGroup(), ModifyVDL(), SetVDL(), SubmitVDL()