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Changes one or more attributes of a VDL.


Err ModifyVDL (Item vdlItem,TagArg *vdlTags) Err ModifyVDLVA (Item vdlItem,uint32 vdlTags,...)


This call changes one or more attributes of a VDL. When executed, it looks through each entry of the VDL for opcodes, and then changes the specified attributes in each opcode (if they need changing). This means that ModifyVDL() affects the entire VDL, regardless of its type. It works equally well on simple VDLs and custom VDLs.

This is a preliminary implementation of ModifyVDL(). Future implementations will include the ability to modify individual VDL entries.


Return Value

The call returns a 0 if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs.


Folio call implemented in Graphics folio V21.

Associated Files

graphics.h, graphics.lib

See Also

SubmitVDL(), SetVDL(), DeleteVDL()