^SWI^Definition^Defined^ Description / Notes | |0x00010|::UNKNOWN::| | | |0x00101|void Debug(void);|debug.h| | |0x10000|Item CreateSizedItem(int32 ctype, TagArg *p, int32 size);|item.h| | |0x10001|int32 WaitSignal(uint32 sigMask);|task.h| | |0x10002|Err SendSignal(Item task, uint32 sigMask);|task.h| | |0x10003|Err DeleteItem(Item i);|item.h| | |0x10004|Item FindItem(int32 ctype, TagArg *tp);|item.h| | |0x10005|Item OpenItem(Item foundItem, void *args);|item.h| | |0x10006|Err UnlockSemaphore(Item s);|semaphore.h| | |0x10006|Err UnlockItem(Item s);|item.h| | |0x10007|int32 LockSemaphore(Item s, uint32 flags);|semaphore.h| | |0x10007|int32 LockItem(Item s, uint32 flags);|item.h| | |0x10008|Err CloseItem(Item i);|item.h| | |0x10009|void Yield(void);|task.h| | |0x1000E|void kprintf(const char*fmt, ...);|debug.h| | |0x1000F|Item GetThisMsg(Item msg);|msgport.h| | |0x10010|Err SendMsg(Item mp, Item msg, const void *dataptr, int32 datasize);|msgport.h| | |0x10010|Err SendSmallMsg(Item mp, Item msg, uint32 val1, uint32 val2);|msgport.h| | |0x1000A|int32 SetItemPri(Item i, uint8 newpri);|item.h| | |0x1000D|void *AllocMemBlocks(int32 size, uint32 typebits);|mem.h| | |0x1000E|void kprintf(const char *fmt, …);|debug.h| | |0x10011|uint32 ReadHardwareRandomNumber(void);|hardware.h| | |0x10012|Err ReplyMsg(Item msg, int32 result, const void *dataptr, int32 datasize);|msgport.h| | |0x10012|Err ReplySmallMsg(Item msg, int32 result, uint32 val1, int32 val2);|msgport.h| | |0x10013|Item GetMsg(Item mp);|msgport.h| | |0x10014|Err ControlMem(void *p, int32 size, int32 cmd, Item task);|mem.h| | |0x10015|int32 AllocSignal(uint32 sigMask);|task.h| | |0x10016|Err FreeSignal(uint32 sigMask);|task.h| | |0x10018|Err SendIO(Item ior, const IOInfo *ioiP);|io.h| | |0x10019|Err AbortIO(Item ior);|io.h| | |0x1001A|int32 SetItemPri(Item i, uint8 newpri);| |Sourced from 3DOessence.xml. Need to confirm.| |0x1001C|Err SetItemOwner(Item i, Item newOwner);|item.h| | |0x1001D|::UNKNOWN::| | | |0x1001E|int MayGetChar(void);|debug.h| | |0x10021|int32 SystemScavengeMem(void);|mem.h| | |0x10024|Item FindAndOpenItem(int32 ctype, TagArg *tp);|item.h| | |0x10025|Err DoIO(Item ior, const IOInfo *ioiP);|io.h| | |0x10026|uint32 SampleSystemTime(void);|time.h|Sample the current system time with very low overhead.| |0x10027|Err SetExitStatus(int32 status);|task.h| | |0x10028|Item WaitPort(Item mp, Item msg);|msgport.h| | |0x10029|Err WaitIO(Item ior);|io.h| | |0x1002A|::UNKNOWN::| | | | | | | | | | | | | |0x20000|DEFUNCT - grafinit| | | |0x20001|Err SetReadAddress(Item bitmapItem, ubyte *buffer, int32 width);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20002|Err ResetReadAddress(Item bitmapItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20003|Err SetClipOrigin(Item bitmapItem, int32 x, int32 y);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20004|DEFUNCT - WaitForLine| | | |0x20005|Err EnableVAVG(Item screenItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20006|Err DisableVAVG(Item screenItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20007|Err EnableHAVG(Item screenItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20008|Err DisableHAVG(Item screenItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20009|Err SetScreenColor(Item screenItem, uint32 colorEntry);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2000A|Err ResetScreenColors(Item screenItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2000B|DEFUNCT - ResetSystemGraphics| | | |0x2000C|None| | | |0x2000D|Err SetScreenColors(Item screenItem, uint32 *entries, int32 count);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2000E|swiSuperResetCurrentFont| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2000F|None| | | |0x20010|None| | | |0x20011|Err AddScreenGroup(Item screenGroup, TagArg *targs);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20012|Err RemoveScreenGroup(Item screenGroup);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20013|Err SetClipWidth(Item bitmapItem, int32 clipWidth);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20014|Err SetClipHeight(Item bitmapItem, int32 clipHeight);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20015|None| | | |0x20016|None| | | |0x20017|Err DrawScreenCels(Item screenItem, CCB *ccb);|graphics.h| | |0x20018|DEFUNCT - FillEllipse| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20019|DEFUNCT - swiSuperOpenFileFont| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001A|DEFUNCT - SetFileFontCacheSize| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001B|swiSuperOpenRAMFont| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001C|DEFUNCT - OpenFileFont| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001D|Err DrawText16(GrafCon *gcon, Item bitmapItem, uint16 *text);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001E|DEFUNCT - swiSuperCloseFont| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2001F|Err DrawChar(GrafCon *gcon, Item bitmapItem, uint32 character);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20020|None| | | |0x20021|Err DrawTo(Item bitmapItem, GrafCon *grafcon, Coord x, Coord y);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20022|None| | | |0x20023|Err FillRect(Item bitmapItem, GrafCon *gc, Rect *r);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20024|Err SetCurrentFontCCB(CCB *ccb);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20025|Font* GetCurrentFont(void);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20026|Err DrawText8(GrafCon *gcon, Item bitmapItem, uint8 *text);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20027|Err DrawCels(Item bitmapItem, CCB *ccb);|graphics.h| | |0x20028|None| | | |0x20029|Err SetCEControl(Item bitmapItem, int32 controlWord, int32 controlMask);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2002A|Err SetCEWatchDog(Item bitmapItem, int32 db_ctr);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2002B|DEFUNCT - CopyRect| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2002C|DEFUNCT - DeleteScreenGroup| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2002D|Err DisplayScreen(Item screenItem0, Item screenItem1);|graphics.h| | |0x2002E|DEFUNCT - DeleteVDL| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x2002F|Err SetVDL(Item screenItem, Item vdlItem);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20030|Item SubmitVDL(VDLEntry *VDLDataPtr, int32 length, int32 type);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20031|None| | | |0x20032|realCreateScreenGroup| |Sourced from Patent 5502462| |0x20033|Err ModifyVDL(Item vdlItem, TagArg* vdlTags);|graphics.h|Sourced from Patent 5502462| | | | | | |0x30000|Item OpenDiskFile(char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30001|int32 CloseDiskFile(Item fileItem);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30002|::UNKNOWN::| | | |0x30004|Item MountFileSystem(Item deviceItem, int32 unit, uint32 blockOffset);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30005|Item OpenDiskFileInDir(Item dirItem, char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30006|Item MountMacFileSystem(char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30007|Item ChangeDirectory(char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30008|Item GetDirectory(char *pathBuf, int pathBufLen);|filefunctions.h| | |0x30009|Item CreateFile(char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x3000A|Err DeleteFile(char *path);|filefunctions.h| | |0x3000B|Item CreateAlias(char *aliasPath, char *realPath);|filefunctions.h| | |0x3000D|Err DismountFileSystem(char *name);|filefunctions.h| | | | | | | |0x40000|Err TweakKnob(Item KnobItem, int32 Value);|audio.h| | |0x40001|Err StartInstrument(Item Instrument, TagArg *TagList);|audio.h| | |0x40002|Err ReleaseInstrument(Item Instrument, TagArg *TagList);|audio.h| | |0x40003|Err StopInstrument(Item Instrument, TagArg *TagList);|audio.h| | |0x40004|Err TuneInsTemplate(Item Instrument, Item Tuning);|audio.h| | |0x40005|Err TunInstrument(Item Instrument, Item Tuning);|audio.h| | |0x40008|Err ConnectInstruments(Item SrcIns, char *SrcName, Item DstIns, char *DstName);|audio.h| | |0x40009|uint32 TraceAudio(int32 Mask);|audio.h| | |0x4000A|int32 AllocAmplitude(int32 Amplitude);|audio.h| | |0x4000B|Err FreeAmplitude(int32 Amplitude);|audio.h| | |0x4000C|Err DisconnectInstruments(Item SrcIns, char *SrcName, Item DstIns, char *DstName);|audio.h| | |0x4000D|Err SignalAtTime(Item Cue, AudioTime Time);|audio.h| | |0x4000E|::UNKNOWN::| | | |0x4000F|Err SetAudioRate(Item Owner, frac16 Rate);|audio.h| | |0x40010|Err SetAudioDuration(Item Owner, uint32 Frames);|audio.h| | |0x40011|Err TweakRawKnob(Item KnobItem, int32 Value);|audio.h| | |0x40012|Err StartAttachment(Item Attachment, TagArg *tp);|audio.h| | |0x40013|Err ReleaseAttachment(Item Attachment, TagArg *tp);|audio.h| | |0x40014|Err StopAttachment(Item Attachment, TagArg *tp);|audio.h| | |0x40015|Err LinkAttachments(Item At1, Item At2);|audio.h| | |0x40016|Err MonitorAttachment(Item Attachment, Item Cue, int32 CueAt);|audio.h| | |0x40018|Err AbandonInstrument(Item Instrument);|audio.h| | |0x40019|Item AdoptInstrument(Item InsTemplate);|audio.h| | |0x4001A|Item ScavengeInstrument(Item InsTemplate, uint8 Priority, int32 MaxActivity, int32 IfSystemWide);|audio.h| | |0x4001B|Err SetAudioItemInfo(Item AnyItem, TagArg *tp);|audio.h| | |0x4001C|Err PauseInstrument(Item Instrument);|audio.h| | |0x4001D|Err ResumeInstrument(Item Instrument);|audio.h| | |0x4001E|int32 WhereAttachment(Item Attachment);|audio.h| | |0x40020|Err BendInstrumentPitch(Item Instrument, frac16 BendFrac);|audio.h| | |0x40021|Err AbortTimerCue(Item Cue);|audio.h| | |0x40022|Err EnableAudioInput(int32 OnOrOff, TagArg *Tags);|audio.h| | |0x40024|Err ReadProbe(Item Probe, int32 *ValuePtr);|audio.h| | |0x40026|uint16 GetAudioFrameCount(void);|audio.h| | |0x40027|int32 GetAudioCyclesUsed(void);|audio.h| | | | | | | |0x50000|void MulVec3Mat33_F16(vec3f16 dest, vec3f16 vec, mat33f16 mat);|operamath.h|Multiply a 3×3 matrix of 16.16 values by a vector of 16.16 values, return the result.| |0x50001|void MulMat33Mat33_F16(mat33f16 dest, mat33f16 src1, mat33f16 src2);|operamath.h|Multiply two 3×3 matrices of 16.16 values and return the result.| |0x50002|void MulManyVec3Mat33_F16(vec3f16 *dest, vec3f16 *src, mat33f16 mat, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply many vectors by a matrix.| |0x50003|void MulObjectVec3Mat33_F16(void *objectlist[], ObjOffset1 *offsetstruct, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply many vectors within object structures by a matrix within that object structure, and repeat over a number of objects.| |0x50004|void MulObjectMat33_F16(void *objectlist[], ObjOffset2 *offsetstruct, mat33f16 mat, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply a natrix within an object structure by an external matrix, and repeat over a number of objects.| |0x50005|void MulManyF16(frac16 *dest, frac16 *src1, frac16 *src2, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply an array of 16.16 fractions by another array of fractions.| |0x50006|void MulScalerF16(frac16 *dest, frac16 *src, frac16 scaler, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply a 16.16 scaler by an array of 16.16 fractions.| |0x50007|void MulVec4Mat44_F16(vec4f16 dest, vec4f16 vec, mat44f16 mat);|operamath.h|Multiply a 4×4 matrix of 16.16 values by a vector of 16.16 values, return the result.| |0x50008|void MulMat44Mat44_F16(mat44f16 dest, mat44f16 src1, mat44f16 src2);|operamath.h|Multiply two 4×4 matrices of 16.16 values and return the result.| |0x50009|void MulManyVec4Mat44_F16(vec4f16 *dest, vec4f16 *src, mat44f16 mat, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply many vectors by a matrix.| |0x5000A|void MulObjectVec4Mat44_F16(void *objectlist[], ObjeOffset1 *offsetstruct, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply many vectors within object structures by a matrix within that object structure, and repeat over a number of objects.| |0x5000B|void MulObjectMat44_F16(void *objectlist[], ObjOffset2 *offsetstruct, mat44f16 mat, int32 count);|operamath.h|Multiply a matrix within an object structure by an external matrix, and repeat over a number of objects.| |0x5000C|frac16 Dot3_F16(vec3f16 v1, vec3f16 v2);|operamath.h|Return the dot product of two vectors of 16.16 values.| |0x5000D|frac16 Dot4_F16(vec4f16 v1, vec4f16 v2);|operamath.h|Return the dot product of two vectors of 16.16 values.| |0x5000E|void Cross3_F16(vec3f16 dest, vec3f16 v1, vec3f16 v2);|operamath.h|Return the cross product of two vectors of 16.16 values.| |0x5000F|frac16 AbsVec3_F16(vec3f16 vec);|operamath.h|Return the aboslute value (length) of a vector of 16.16 values.| |0x50010|frac16 AbsVec4_F16(vec4f16 vec);|operamath.h|Return the absolute value (length) of a vector of 16.16 values.| |0x50011|void MulVec3Mat33DivZ_F16(vec3f16 dest, vec3f16 vec, mat33f16 mat, frac16 n);|operamath.h|Multiply a 3×3 matrix of 16.16 values by a vector, then multiply x and y by n/z. Return the result vector {x*n/z,y*n/z,z}.| |0x50012|void MulManyVec3Mat33DivZ_F16(mmv3m33d *s);|operamath.h|Multiply a 3×3 matrix of 16.16 values by multiple vectors, then multiply x and y by n/z. Return the result vectors {x*n/z,y*n/z,z}.| | | | | |