====== DrawChar ====== Draws a text character to the display window. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%Err DrawChar (GrafCon *gcon,Item bitmapItem,uint32 character)%%'' ==== Description ==== This call plots the specified text character to the window of the display. The pen position in the GrafCon is updated based on the width or height of the rendered character. The fonts flag, FONT_VERTICAL, controls whether the height or width of the rendered character is modified. If the current FONT_VERTICAL fonts flag is set, then the height is modified; if the flag is clear, then the width is modified. ==== Arguments ==== * **gcon** A pointer to a GrafCon structure for pen position information. * **bitmapItem** An item number for the bitmap to receive the rendering. * **character** The text character to be printed to the display's window. The character argument is an unsigned 32-bit to allow for international character sets. ==== Return Value ==== The call returns 0 if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs. ==== Implementation ==== Folio call implemented in Graphics folio V20. ==== Associated Files ==== graphics.h, graphics.lib ==== See Also ==== ''%%DrawText8%%''()