====== DrawTo ====== Draws a line from the GrafCon current position to a specified position. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%Err DrawTo (Item bitmapItem,GrafCon *grafcon,Coord x, Coord y)%%'' ==== Description ==== The call draws a line from the current pen position to the specified x and y coordinates. On completion, the endpoint becomes the new current pen position. Note that this call draws a line that includes both the start and end points. This call uses the cel hardware. ==== Arguments ==== * **bitmapItem** The item number of the bitmap. * **grafcon** Pointer to a GrafCon structure. * **x** The column of the line's endpoint. * **y** The row of the line's endpoint. ==== Return Value ==== The call returns 0 if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs. ==== Implementation ==== Folio call implemented in Graphics folio V20. ==== Associated Files ==== graphics.h, graphics.lib ==== See Also ==== ''%%MoveTo%%''()