====== Function Calls ====== ---- I/O operations use the following calls. See [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:01spr#xref17318|Kernel Folio Calls]], in the //3DO System Programmer's Reference// for complete details on these calls. ===== Opening and Closing Devices ===== The following calls open and close devices: * ''%%CloseNamedDevice() %%''Closes a device previously opened with ''%%OpenNamedDevice()%%''. * ''%%FindDevice() %%''Returns the item number of a device. * ''%%FindAndOpenDevice() %%''Finds and opens a device item. * ''%%OpenNamedDevice() %%''Opens a named device. ===== Creating, Deleting, and Creating Pointers for IOReqs ===== The following calls handle IO requests:''%% %%'' * ''%%CreateIOReq() %%''Creates an I/O request. * ''%%DeleteIOReq() %%''Deletes an I/O request. * ''%%LookupItem() %%''Gets a pointer to an item. ===== Controlling the I/O Process ===== The following calls handle I/O processes: * ''%%AbortIO() %%''Aborts an I/O operation. * ''%%CheckIO() %%''Checks if an asynchronous I/O request has completed. * ''%%DoIO() %%''Performs synchronous I/O. * ''%%SendIO() %%''Requests asynchronous I/O. * ''%%WaitIO() %%''Waits for an asynchronous I/O request to complete.