====== SetNodePri ====== Changes the priority of a list node. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%uint8 SetNodePri( Node *n, uint8 newpri )%%'' ==== Description ==== This procedure changes the priority of a node in a list. The kernel arranges lists by priority, with higher-priority nodes coming before lower-priority nodes. When the priority of a node changes, the kernel automatically rearranges the list to reflect the new priority. The node is moved immediately before the first node whose priority is lower. ==== Arguments ==== * **n** A pointer to the node whose priority to change. * **newpri** The new priority for the node. This can be a value from 0 to 255. ==== Return Value ==== The procedure returns the previous priority of the node. ==== Implementation ==== Folio call implemented in kernel folio V20. ==== Associated Files ==== * **list.h** ANSI C Prototype * **clib.lib** ARM Link Library ==== Caveats ==== GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) ==== See Also ==== ''%%InsertNodeFromHead%%''(), [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:01spr088#xref26607|InsertNodeFromTail]](), [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:01spr128#xref27664|UniversalInsertNode]]() ====== ====== ----