====== intlCompareStrings ====== Compares two strings for collation purposes. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%int32 intlCompareStrings(Item locItem,const unichar *string1,const unichar *string2);%%'' ==== Description ==== Compares two strings according to the collation rules of the locale item's language. ==== Arguments ==== * **locItem** A locale item, as obtained from intlOpenLocale(). * **string1** The first string to compare. * **string2** The second string to compare. ==== Return Value ==== * **-1** (string1 < string2) * **0** (string1 == string2) * **1** (string1>string2) * **INTL_ERR_BADITEM** locItem was not an existing locale item. ==== Implementation ==== Folio call implemented in international folio V24. ==== Associated Files ==== intl.h ==== See Also ==== ''%%intlOpenLocale%%''(), [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:pgsfldr:spr:06spr003#xref22219|intlConvertString]]()