====== ppmto3DO ====== ---- ====== ppmto3DO ====== Converts a PPM file to 3DO format. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%ppmto3DO [flags] < 3DOimagefile>%%'' ==== Description ==== Converts a file in portable pixmap (PPM) format to 3DO image format. ==== Options ==== * **-b** pixels of the output image are in 5541 format, with the low bit of the blue component used as a corner weight * **-c** output a 16-bit-per-pixel, non-LR-form image suitable for processing by makecel * **-d** write to the output file a dynamic VDL containing a CLUT for each display line; default is no CLUT written * **-f** write to the output file a fixed VDL containing a single CLUT for the image; default is no CLUT written * **-t N** specify a color in the input image to be translated to transparent (zero) in the output image; N is a hexadecimal number representing a 16-bit, 555-RGB color value * **-v** print total number of colors in output image * **-e N** place entries in the generated CLUT beginning at index N; default is 0; the values supplied to -ce and -me must add to be 32 or less. * **-m N** use at most N entries in the generated CLUT; default is 32 The following options specify how the colors entered in the generated CLUT are selected from the colors found in the input image (or a line of the input image, when -d is in effect): * **-s0** entries evenly distributed across the color space; default when -d is not in effect * **-s1** entries that are the most popular color values * **-s2** entries that represent approximately equal regions of the color space by population * **-s3** entries that represent subdivisions of longest intervals between color values * **-s4** entries that represent subdivisions of intervals containing the largest numbers of colors (population) * **-s5** entries that represent subdivisions of longest intervals based on color value weighted by population; default when -d is ineffect ==== Implementation ==== MPW tool ==== Caveats ==== None. ==== See Also ==== [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:gspfldr:07pgs003#xref29202|''%%makecel%%'']]