====== Makecel ====== ---- ====== makecel ====== Converts a 3DO image to a 3DO cel ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%makecel [flags] <3DOimagefile> <3DOcelfile>%%'' ==== Description ==== Converts a 3DO image generated by ppmto3DO to a 3DO cel. ==== Options ==== * **-b N** set the number of bits per pixel in the output cel (BPP field in first preamble word) data of the output cel is coded to index a PLUT (clear UNCODEDbit in first preamble word); one of -c or -uc must be specified * **-d** put preamble word(s) at start of data, not at end of CCB output * **-f** a foreground cel in which black (zero-value) pixels are treated as transparent (clear BGND bit in CCB flags); default is to output a background cel * **-rc** for an 8-bit uncoded output cel only, clear the low bits when generating 5-bit color components from the 3- or 2-bit color components of the cel's pixels (clear REP8 bit in first preamble word); default is to replicate bits from the 3- or 2-bit components * **-t N** specify a color in the input image to be translated to transparent (zero) in the output cel data; N is a hexadecimal number representing a 16-bit, 555-RGB color value; outputs a foreground cel (clears BGND bit in CCB flags) * **-uc** data of the output cel is uncoded color values (set UNCODED bit in first preamble word); cel data must be 8- or 16-bits per pixel; one of -c or -uc must be specified * **-up** data of the output cel is not to be packed (clear PACKED bit in CCB flags); default is to pack the cel data * **-v** print information about the output cel ==== Implementation ==== MPW tool ==== Caveats ==== None.