====== jsslideshowvdl ====== Loads and displays image files which may contain custom VDLs (a Jumpstart program). ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%jsslideshowvdl [-a ]%%'' ==== Description ==== Slideshow which loads and displays image files which may contain custom VDLs. Outline of functionality: * Read a list of image filenames * Load a pair of buffers with the first two images in the list * Show the first image in the list * Respond to control pad input: * Right and down arrows-show next image in list * Left and up arrows-show previous image in list * Start button-quit the program * B button-show the other buffer * C button-toggle automatic display mode \\ ==== Arguments ==== * **scriptfilename** Name of file listing images to display, one name per line. * **-a [n]** Set auto-show mode, displaying each image for n seconds. ==== Associated Files ==== jsslideshowvdl.make, jsvdlslideshow.h ==== Location ==== examples/Jumpstart/Jumpstart2/jsslideshow