====== perftest ====== Displays bouncing 16-bit uncoded cels over an image background. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%perftest%%'' ==== Description ==== Perftest can give the developer an idea of how adding cels can affect performance. The control pad has the following functions: * A Button-Add a 16-bit uncoded cel (bouncing ball). * B Button-Toggle between using one or two cel engines. * C Button-Remove a 16-bit uncoded cel (bouncing ball). ==== Caveats ==== The cels used in this example are expensive to render and not well-suited for titles attempting to maximize performance. The example contains a large amount of code which has been marked with #ifdef and may be difficult to follow at times. ==== Associated Files ==== perftest.c, sprite.h, sprite.c ==== Location ==== examples/Graphics/Performance_Test