====== ta_pitchnotes ====== Plays a sample at different MIDI pitches. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%ta_pitchnotes [ []]%%'' ==== Description ==== This program loads and plays the AIFF sample file at several different pitches. It does this by selecting a MIDI note number, which the audio folio maps to a frequency. ==== Arguments ==== * **sample file** Name of a sample to be played. The sample should be compatible with sampler.dsp (16-bit monophonic). * **duration** Duration of each note, in audio ticks. Defaults to 240. ==== Caveats ==== Because this sample program uses ''%%SleepaudioTicks()%%'', the notes are not necessarily rhythmic. Use the juggler to play rhythmic scores. ==== Associated Files ==== ta_pitchnotes.c ==== Location ==== examples/Audio