====== OffsetAACelByIDelta ====== Moves an anti-aliased cel. ==== Synopsis ==== ''%%void OffsetAACelByIDelta (CCB *aacel, IPoint *deltaXY)%%'' ==== Description ==== Adjusts an anti-aliased cel's location by the specified delta. Adds the delta values to the X/Y coordinates in both the data and alpha-channel CCBs. It also works correctly if aacel points to a single standalone cel. ==== Arguments ==== * **aacel** Pointer to the cel to be moved. * **deltaXY** Pointer to an IPoint containing the movement delta values. ==== Implementation ==== Library call implemented in lib3do.lib. ==== Associated Files ==== lib3do.lib, celutils.h ==== See Also ==== [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo135#xref20014|''%%OffsetAACelByFDelta%%'']], [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo139#xref41189|OffsetCelByIDelta]], [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:ppgfldr:smmfldr:ldofldr:01ldo141#xref15211|OffsetCelListByIDelta]]