====== 3DO DataStreamer Programmer's Reference ====== ---- This document provides manpages for functions and structures in the 3DO\xaa DataStreamer library, for all data preparation tools, and for all Weaver script commands. This document is for C programmers who want to use the 3DO DataStreamer library. ====== How this document is organized ====== * [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:tktfldr:dsrfldr:dsr1frst#xref14426|3DO DataStreamer Functions]] provides manpages for DataStreamer functions in alphabetical order. * [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:tktfldr:dsrfldr:dsr2frst#xref14426|3DO DataStreamer Structures]] provides manpages for frequently used structures, enumerations, and data types. * [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:tktfldr:dsrfldr:dsr3frst#xref14426|3DO DataStreamer Tools]] provides manpages for all data preparation tools you need to work with the DataStreamer. * [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:tktfldr:dsrfldr:dsr4frst#xref14426|Weaver Script Commands]] provides manpages for all Weaver script commands. ===== For more information ===== The [[:documentation:development:opera:pf25:tktfldr:dsgfldr:0dsgfrst|3DO DataStreamer Programmer's Guide]] explains how applications can use the tools, functions, and structures listed in this manual to stream synchronized data to their 3DO system.