**Modding General/Basics** ---- ===== SETTING IT UP ===== - Download [[http://3dodev.com/_media/tutorials/game_modding/3do_modding.rar|3DO Modding Workspace]] - Place your //ISO// in "**Modding Workspace"**\\ - Once your //ISO// is placed in this folder remove the spaces from the file name\\ EX: The Need For Speed.ISO —> TheNeedForSpeed.iso\\ - Copy the new ISO File name\\ - Right Click //**__makesign__ **// → __Edit__ → Paste your //ISO// file name in place of "YourISONameHere"\\ - Put a copy of the ISO in "**ISO Backup**" for safe keepings. This will allow you to just double click the batch file instead of using command prompt. ---- ==== TO Decompile YOUR ISO : ==== - Open __//**OperaFS** //__ \\ - Click '__Decompile'__ \\ -Choose the //ISO// to decompile\\ -It will create a new directory/folder "**Parce_TheNeedForSpeed**"\\ *Please allow the program to complete the task before closing anything* With your //ISO// now //Parced//:\\ - Delete the "**System**" folder and the '__bannerscreen'__ (if the game does not contain a bannerscreen, do not worry about) - Copy the GameGuru "**system**" folder and paste it into your //Parced// folder Note: If this //System// folder causes issues or the game will not run please try the '**Demo Disc**' system folder instead. If the issues persist, return to the original file of which you modified and contact me at Archive3DO@gmail.com - Copy the "__//BannerScreen//__" and put it in the //Parced// folder Note: To make your own //bannerscreen// please scroll to the bottom of this **README** ---- ==== TO Recompile YOUR ISO : ==== - Click __Recompile __on **Opera FS** \\ - When choosing the folder make sure: - The folder directory/folder "**Parce_TheNeedForSpeed**" is highlighted - Make sure to double click the directory so the folders within drop down - It will then promt you with an output window \\ - Single click your //ISO// file \\ - Confirm \\ *Please allow the program to complete the task before messing with anything* Once compiled, click '**MakeSign.bat**'. Then if all was done correctly, your //ISO //should now be playable. ---- ==== CUSTOM BANNERSCREEN INFO ==== - Your custom bannerscreen should be: - 24 bit uncompressed - 320 x 240 pixel - BitMap - Export as "//Banner.**bmp**//" to folder "**Modding Work Space**" replacing the one already there - After replacing the one included with this modding space double click "**MakeBanner**" \\ - The 3DO "//Bannerscreen//" file will be created in the "**Bannerscreen Output**" Folder