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Creates a bitmap.


Item CreateBitmap (TagArg *args) Item CreateBitmapVA (uint32 args,...)


This call creates a bitmap item that has the characteristics specified by the tag arguments.

Tag Arguments

The following tags must be present:

The following tags are optional:



Return Value

The call returns the item number of the new bitmap or an error number (a negative value) if an error occurs.

GRAFERR_BUFWIDTH is returned if the specified width of the bitmap buffer is not valid.

GRAFERR_BADBITMAPSPEC is returned if there is an error in the bitmap specification not covered by some other error code.

GRAFERR_NOWRITEACCESS is returned if the memory specified by the bitmap buffer is not writable by the calling task.

GRAFERR_BADCLIP is returned if illegal clip values (for instance, larger than the size of the bitmap area) are specified.


CBM_TAG_CLIPX and CBM_TAG_CLIPY move the origin of the bitmap coordinate system to the specified location.


Macro implemented in graphics.h V20.

Associated File


See Also

CreateItem(), DeleteBitmap(), DeleteItem()