Table of Contents

Getting Control Pad Input

This section looks at user interaction with the control pad, discussing the following topics:

Utility Functions for Using the Control Pad

All examples in the Jumpstart2 example set use the functions from controlpad.c in the Examples folder, which offers the following utility functions:

The jsanimation.c Example

The animation example in the Jumpstart2 folder has been simplified to clarify how control pad interaction occurs. The main() function in jsanimation.c contains a loop that continuously calls HandleControlPad(). HandleControlPad() recognizes two button events:

kContinuousMask specifies for which buttons continuous presses are allowed.

Example 1: The HandleControlPad function in jsanimation

#define     kContinuousMask     ( ControlA )

int32 HandleControlPad( void )
    Respond to control pad input:
      - The A key is enabled for continuous presses.
      - Start button means quit the program.
      - A button and arrows means fire (explode the cel).
    Returns -1 if the user pressed the start button to quit, otherwise 0.
    uint32  controlBits;
    Point   aUFOCenter;
    int32 retValue = 0;

    DoControlPad(1, &controlBits, kContinuousMask );

    if ( controlBits & ControlStart )
/* If the user has pressed the START button, the game is over. */
        retValue = -1;
        goto DONE;
/* ControlA triggers the explosion */
    if ( controlBits & ControlA )
        if ( !gBoomCount )                            /* Don't fire until previous explosion is finished */
            gBoomCount = gExplosionAnim->num_Frames;
                                /* Position center of explosion at center of the UFO */
            aUFOCenter = CalcCCBCenterPoint(gUFO_CCB);
            CenterCCB(gExplosionCCB, aUFOCenter.pt_X, aUFOCenter.pt_Y);
                                /* Get a random center for the next UFO */
            CenterCCB(gUFO_CCB, (Coord) Random(DISPLAY_WIDTH), (Coord)


    return retValue;


The basicslideshow.c Example

The jsbasicslideshow.c example uses the same JSGetControlPad() function but a more complex HandleControlPad() function that allows more complex user input.

Note that this example includes controlpad.c and calls InitControlPad() during initialization and KillControlPad() during shutdown.

Example 2: The HandleControlPad function in jsbasicslideshow.c

int32 HandleControlPad( void )
Respond to the user's control pad input.
- Right and down arrows mean show next image in list
- Left and up arrows mean show previous image in list
- Start button means quit the program
- B button means show the other buffer
- C button means toggle automatic display mode
Returns -1 if the user pressed the start button to quit, otherwise 0.
    int32 retValue = 0;
    uint32  controlBits;

    DoControlPad(1, &controlBits, 0 ); 
/* no continuous button presses */

/* if the Start button is pressed, the user wants to quit */
    if ( controlBits & ControlStart )
        retValue = -1;

/* if the A button is pressed \xc9  (no action in this interface) */
    else if ( controlBits & ControlA )

/* if button B is pressed, display the other buffer */
    else if ( controlBits & ControlB )
        gScreenContext->sc_curScreen = 
                                1 - gScreenContext->sc_curScreen;
/* if button C is pressed toggle autoshow */
    else if ( controlBits & ControlC )
        gAutoShowFlag = !gAutoShowFlag;
        PRT( ("Auto-show mode is ") );
        if ( gAutoShowFlag )
             PRT( ("TRUE\n") );
            PRT( ("FALSE\n") );

    else if ( controlBits & 
        (ControlUp | ControlLeft | ControlDown | ControlRight))
        /* Arrows mean move one image forward or backward */
        if ( controlBits & ControlUp )
        else if ( controlBits & ControlLeft )
        else if ( controlBits & ControlDown )
        else if ( controlBits & ControlRight )

    return retValue;
