Table of Contents

Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

This section provides some tips for the following related areas:

Control Pad Input and the 3DO DataStreamer

Applications that use the 3DO DataStreamer need to prepare the stream file appropriately so that branching point have markers associated with them. This is discussed in some detail in the chapter “Inside Streaming:User Input” in the 3DO DataStreamer Programmer's Guide manual in the volume “3DO Tools for Programming I (blue cover).

Other Input Devices

The 3DO system can accommodate a wide variety of user input devices. This manual provides information about currently available devices in the following chapters:

Example code is available in the Examples folder.

Saving Games and Scores

To enable the end user to save games and scores, the title should use the NVRAM Manager discussed in the section “Working With NVRAM” in Chapter 11, “The Filesystem and the File Folio,” of the manual “Programming the 3DO Portfolio System.”