Testing the Extended Joystick

To test the joystick, follow this procedure:

<HTML><ol></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>Install the sample software.<HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>Connect the extended joystick to the control port on the 3DO Development Station (or Development Card).<HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>Start the 3DO Station and the Macintosh and launch the Debugger.<HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML><HTML><p></HTML>In the Debugger Terminal window, Type:<HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML><HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML>$c/cpdump
<HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML>and press Enter.<HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML>This generates a simple listing of all currently connected devices. The joystick should be one of them.<HTML></p></HTML><HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML><HTML><p></HTML>To use one of the demo programs, type the name of the program in the Debugger Terminal window.<HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML>Example programs are provided in the 3DO:examples:Eventbroker folder and also on the 3DO InfoServer bulletin board (415-261-3405).<HTML></p></HTML><HTML></li></HTML><HTML></ol></HTML>