

Levels are stored in directories on the disc. The level floorplan is found in the “FloorPlan” file in that directory.

A-OCapital 'A' through 'O'Solid opaque walls
P-VCapital 'P' through 'V'Solid transparent walls
W-ZCapital 'W' through 'Z'Walk-through transparent walls
1Number '1'1000 points
2Number '2'2000 points
3Number '3'5000 points
*asteriskTalisman fragment (worth 10000 points)
-minusNorth-south door
pipeEast-west door
alowercase 'A'Ammunition
hlowercase 'H'Health powerup
klowercase 'K'Key
llowercase 'L'Extra life powerup
elowercase 'E'East-west door trigger
nlowercase 'N'North-south door trigger
ulowercase 'U'Four-way door trigger
xlowercase 'X'Level exit
flowercase 'F'Floating Head
glowercase 'G'Ghost
slowercase 'S'Spider
zlowercase 'Z'Zombie
tlowercase 'T'Boss Floating Head
wlowercase 'W'Boss Zombie
ylowercase 'Y'Boss Ghost
uparrowStart location, facing north
vlowercase 'V'Start location, facing south
>greater-thanStart location, facing east
<less-thanStart location, facing west
plowercase 'P'Solid object/decoration
qlowercase 'Q'Solid object/decoration
rlowercase 'R'Solid object/decoration
%percentSolid object / decoration
&ampersandSolid object/decoration
'apostropheSolid object/decoration
+plusSolid object / decoration
:colonSolid object / decoration
;semicolonSolid object/decoration
=equalsSolid object / decoration
~tilde/twiddleSolid object/decoration
blowercase 'B'Walk-through object-decoration
clowercase 'C'Walk-through object-decoration
dlowercase 'D'Walk-through object-decoration
(open-parenWalk-through object-decoration
)close-parenWalk-through object-decoration
/slashWalk-through object-decoration
\backslashWalk-through object-decoration
[open-bracketWalk-through object-decoration
]close-bracketWalk-through object-decoration
{open-braceWalk-through object-decoration
}close-braceWalk-through object-decoration
#number signRESERVED, DO NOT USE