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Primary Data Structures

Controlling Sound Playback

The following data structure is used by the sound file player to define sound buffers and AIFF playback. This data structure controls the parameters of sound file player playback.

Example 1: SoundFilePlayer data structure

typedef struct
    SoundSpooler *sfp_Spooler;
    char   *sfp_BufferAddrs[MAX_SOUNDFILE_BUFS];
    Item    sfp_FileItem;
    Item    sfp_IOReqItem;      /* For block reads. */

    Item    sfp_SamplerIns;  /* Instrument used to play samples.  When
                                 SFP_NO_SAMPLER is not set, this item is set to an
                                 sample player instrument loaded by the sound file
                                 player. Client can access the sampler instrument
                                 to connect to it, twiddle knobs, etc.  Don't
                                 write to this field when SFP_NO_SAMPLER is not
                                 set. When SFP_NO_SAMPLER is set, the sound file
                                 player assumes that the client will write the
                                 item # of a sample player instrument here between
                                 calls to CreateSoundFilePlayer() and
                                 LoadSoundFile(). If the sound spooler is
                                 responsible for the output instrument, it
                                 will connect the client-supplied sample
                                 instrument to the output instrument. */

    Item    sfp_OutputIns;        /* Instrument used to output sound. When
                                    SFP_NO_DIRECTOUT is not set, LoadSoundFile()
                                    loads directout.dsp and places its item number
                                    here. LoadSoundFile() also connects sfp_SamplerIns
                                    to sfp_OutputIns.  The sound file player is
                                    responsible for starting, stopping, and
                                    unloading the instrument in this case. Don't
                                    touch it. When SFP_NO_DIRECTOUT is set, no
                                    output instrument is loaded, and sfp_SampleIns
                                    is not connected to anything. That becomes the
                                    client's responsibility. In this case, this field
                                    is set to 0. Don't touch it. */

    uint32  sfp_Cursor;         /* Position of file reader. */
    uint32  sfp_NumBuffers;      /* Number of Buffers in use. */
    uint32  sfp_BufIndex;       /* Next buffer to be loaded. */
    uint32  sfp_BufSize;        /* Size of the buffer in bytes. */
    int32   sfp_LastPos;        /* Byte position of DMA, updated periodically
    uint32  sfp_NumToRead;      /* Number of bytes to read, total. */
    uint32  sfp_DataOffset;     /* Start of Data in file. */
    uint32  sfp_BuffersPlayed;  /* How many played so far. */
    uint32  sfp_BuffersToPlay;  /* How many total need to be played. */

    uint8   sfp_Flags;          /* User settable flags (SFP_). */

    uint8   sfp_PrivateFlags;   /* Private flags. Don't Touch! */
    uint32  sfp_BlockSize;      /* Block size of file. (V24) */
} SoundFilePlayer;
documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/mgsfldr/mpgfldr/05mpg004.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by