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An Example Program

This program shown in Example 6 loads and plays a Format 1 MIDI file. It uses the joypad during playback to mute different sequences within the score, and also to pause playback. It is included on the Portfolio release disc, where you can copy it, modify it, and use it as you see fit.

Example 1: Playing a Format 1 MIDI file.

#include <audio.h>
#include <event.h>          /* control pad */
#include <Juggler.h>        /* Juggler */
#include <operror.h>
#include <score.h>          /* score player */
#include <stdio.h>

#define VERSION "V24.0"

#define            PRT(x)            { printf x; }
#define            ERR(x)            PRT(x)
#define            DBUG(x)            /* PRT(x) */


/* Macro to simplify error checking. */
#define CHECKRESULT(val,name) \
    if (val < 0) \
    { \
        Result = val; \
        PrintError(0,"\failure in",name,Result); \
        goto cleanup; \

#define MAXPROGRAMNUM (128)  /* Save memory by lowering this to highest
program number. */

#if 1
#define MAX_SCORE_VOICES  (8)
#define MIXER_NAME ("mixer8x2.dsp")
#define MAX_SCORE_VOICES  (12)
#define MIXER_NAME ("mixer12x2.dsp")

    Raise this value till the sound clips then drop it till you feel safe.
    (MAXDSPAMPLITUDE/MAX_SCORE_VOICES) is guaranteed safe if all you are
    doing is playing scores

/* Prototypes */
ScoreContext *pmfSetupScoreContext( char *mapfile );
Jugglee *pmfLoadScore( ScoreContext *scon, char *scorefile );
Err pmfPlayScore( Jugglee *JglPtr, uint32 NumReps );
Err pmfCleanupScoreContext( ScoreContext *scon );
Err pmfUnloadScore( ScoreContext *scon, Jugglee *CollectionPtr );
Err pmfPlayScoreMute ( Jugglee *JglPtr, uint32 NumReps );
Err PlayMIDIFile( char *scorefile, char *mapfile, int32 NumReps);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int32 Result=0;

    PRT(("Play MIDI File, %s\n", VERSION));
    if (argc < 3) {
        PRT(("Usage: %s <MIDI file> <PIMap file> [<num repeats>]\n",

        return 0;

/* Initialize the EventBroker. */
    Result = InitEventUtility(1, 0, LC_ISFOCUSED);
    if (Result < 0)
        PrintError(0,"init event utility",0,Result);
        goto cleanup;

/* OpenMathFolio to get MathBase */
    Result = OpenMathFolio();
    if (Result < 0)
        PrintError(0,"open math folio",0,Result);
        ERR(("Did you run grafmath?\n"));

/* Initialize audio, return if error. */
    if (OpenAudioFolio())
        ERR(("Audio Folio could not be opened!\n"));

/* Required before playing scores. */

/* Play MIDI file */
    Result = PlayMIDIFile (argv[1], argv[2], (argc > 3) ? atoi(argv[3]) : 1);
    CHECKRESULT( Result, "PlayMIDIFile" );

    PRT(("%s finished.\n", argv[0]));
    return (int) Result;

** Create a ScoreContext, load a MIDIFile and play it.
Err PlayMIDIFile( char *scorefile, char *mapfile, int32 NumReps)
    Jugglee *CollectionPtr;
    int32 Result;
    ScoreContext *scon;

    Result = -1;
    CollectionPtr = NULL;

    scon = pmfSetupScoreContext( mapfile );
    if( scon == NULL ) goto cleanup;

    CollectionPtr = pmfLoadScore( scon, scorefile );
    if( CollectionPtr == NULL) goto cleanup;

** Play the score collection. Alternatively, you could use the
** pmfPlayScoreMute function instead to mute channels.
    Result = pmfPlayScore( CollectionPtr, NumReps );

    pmfUnloadScore( scon, CollectionPtr );
    pmfCleanupScoreContext( scon );
    return Result;

** Create a ScoreContext, and load a PIMap from a text file.
ScoreContext *pmfSetupScoreContext( char *mapfile )
    ScoreContext *scon;
    int32 Result;

/* Create a context for interpreting a MIDI score and tracking notes. */
    scon = CreateScoreContext( MAXPROGRAMNUM );
    if( scon == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* Specify a mixer to use for the score voices. */
    Result = InitScoreMixer( scon, MIXER_NAME, MAX_SCORE_VOICES, =

/* Load Instrument Templates from disk and fill Program Instrument Map. */
/* As an alternative, you could use SetPIMapEntry() */
    Result = LoadPIMap ( scon, mapfile );
    CHECKRESULT(Result, "LoadPIMap");

    return scon;

    pmfCleanupScoreContext( scon );
    return NULL;

** Scale the timestamps in a Juggler Sequence.
static int32 pmfScaleSequenceTimes ( Sequence *Self, frac16 Scalar )
    Time *EventPtr;
    int32 Indx;
    int32 EventSize, Many;

/* Get info from Sequence using Tags. */
        TagArg Tags[4];

        Tags[0].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_MANY;
        Tags[1].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_EVENTS;
        Tags[2].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_EVENT_SIZE;
        Tags[3].ta_Tag = TAG_END;

        GetObjectInfo( Self , Tags );

        Many      = (int32)  Tags[0].ta_Arg;
        EventPtr  = (Time *) Tags[1].ta_Arg;
        EventSize = (int32)  Tags[2].ta_Arg;
    DBUG(("pmfScaleSequenceTimes: Many = %d, EventPtr = %d, EventSize = %d\n",
        Many, EventPtr, EventSize ));

/* Scan through array and scale each timestamp. */
    Indx = 0;
    while (Indx < Many)
/* Scale time stamp. */
        *EventPtr = MulSF16( (*EventPtr), Scalar );

/* Index to next Event */
        EventPtr = (Time *) (((char *)EventPtr) + EventSize);

    return 0;

** Create a collection and load a score into it from a MIDI File.
Jugglee *pmfLoadScore( ScoreContext *scon, char *scorefile )
    MIDIFileParser MFParser;
    Jugglee *CollectionPtr;
    int32 Result;
    frac16 OriginalRate;
    frac16 Scalar;
    int32 i, Many;
    Jugglee *Seq;

/* Create a collection and load MIDI File into it. */
    CollectionPtr = (Jugglee *) CreateObject( &CollectionClass );
    if (CollectionPtr == NULL)
        ERR(("pmfLoadScore: Failure to create Collection\n"));
        goto cleanup;

/* Set context used to play collection. */
        TagArg Tags[2];

        Tags[0].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_CONTEXT;
        Tags[0].ta_Arg = (TagData) scon;
        Tags[1].ta_Tag = TAG_END;

        SetObjectInfo(CollectionPtr, Tags);

/* Load it from a MIDIFile */
    Result = MFLoadCollection ( &MFParser, scorefile ,

        (Collection *) CollectionPtr);
    if (Result)
        ERR(("Error loading MIDI File = $%x\n", Result));
        goto cleanup;

/* Query how many sequences it contains. */
        TagArg Tags[2];

        Tags[0].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_MANY;
        Tags[1].ta_Tag = TAG_END;

        GetObjectInfo(CollectionPtr, Tags);

        Many = (int32) Tags[0].ta_Arg;
    PRT(("Collection contains %d sequences.\n", Many));

/* Don't change the audio clock because that might interfere with other tasks. */
    OriginalRate = GetAudioRate();
    Scalar = DivSF16( OriginalRate, MFParser.mfp_Rate );
    PRT(("Scale sequence times. mfp_Rate = 0x%x, Scalar = 0x%x\n",
        MFParser.mfp_Rate, Scalar));

    for(i=0; i<Many; i++)
        Result = GetNthFromObject( CollectionPtr, i, &Seq );
        CHECKRESULT(Result, "GetNthFromCollection");
/* WARNING - assumes contents of Collection are sequences. */
        Result = pmfScaleSequenceTimes( (Sequence *)Seq, Scalar );
        CHECKRESULT(Result, "ScaleSequenceTimes");

    return CollectionPtr;

    pmfUnloadScore( scon, CollectionPtr );
    return NULL;

** Unload the collection which frees the sequences, then
** destroy collection.
Err pmfUnloadScore( ScoreContext *scon, Jugglee *CollectionPtr )
    if (CollectionPtr != NULL)
        MFUnloadCollection( (Collection *) CollectionPtr );
        DestroyObject( (COBObject *) CollectionPtr );

    return 0;

** Unload the PIMap which frees the instruments and samples, then
** delete the ScoreContext.
Err pmfCleanupScoreContext( ScoreContext *scon )
    if( scon != NULL )
        UnloadPIMap( scon );
        TermScoreMixer( scon );
        DeleteScoreContext( scon );

    return 0;

** Play a Collection, a Sequence or any other Juggler object.
** This routine is likely to be carved up for use in your application.
int32 pmfPlayScore( Jugglee *JglPtr, uint32 NumReps )
    AudioTime CurTime, NextTime;
    int32 Result;
    int32 NextSignals, CueSignal, SignalsGot;
    Item MyCue;
    uint32 Joy;
    int32 QuitNow;
    int32 IfTimerPending;
    ControlPadEventData cped;

    QuitNow = 0;
    IfTimerPending = FALSE;

/* Create a Cue for timing the score. */
    MyCue = CreateCue( NULL );
    CHECKRESULT(MyCue, "CreateCue");
    CueSignal = GetCueSignal ( MyCue );

/* Drive Juggler using Audio timer. */
/* Delay start by adding ticks to avoid stutter on startup. Optional. */
    NextTime = GetAudioTime() + 40;
    CurTime = NextTime;

DBUG(("pmfPlayScore: Start at time %d\n", NextTime ));
/* This tells the Juggler to process this object when BumpJuggler() is
** later called. Multiple objects could be started and will be
** juggled by Juggler.
    StartObject ( JglPtr , NextTime, NumReps, NULL );

/* Read current state of Control Pad. */
        Result = GetControlPad (1, FALSE, &cped);
        if (Result < 0) {
            PrintError(0,"read control pad in","pmfPlayScore",Result);
        Joy = cped.cped_ButtonBits;

/* Forced Quit by hitting ControlX */
        if(Joy & ControlX)
            StopObject( JglPtr, CurTime );
            QuitNow = TRUE;
/* Request a timer wake up at the next event time. */
            if( !IfTimerPending )
                Result = SignalAtTime( MyCue, NextTime);
                if (Result < 0) return Result;
                IfTimerPending = TRUE;

/* Wait for timer signal or signal(s) from BumpJuggler */
            SignalsGot = WaitSignal( CueSignal | NextSignals );

/* Did we wake up because of a timer signal? */
            if( SignalsGot & CueSignal )
                IfTimerPending = FALSE;
                CurTime = NextTime;
/* Get current time to inform Juggler. */
                CurTime = GetAudioTime();

/* Tell Juggler to process any pending events, eg. Notes. Result > 0 if done. */
            Result = BumpJuggler( CurTime, &NextTime, SignalsGot, &NextSignals );

    } while ( (Result == 0) && (QuitNow == 0));

    DeleteCue( MyCue );

    return Result;

/************** YOU MAY IGNORE THE FOLLOWING CODE ****************
** It was written to illustrate muting and pause functions and is
** not currently called from the above code.

** Set the Mute flag for the Nth child of a collection.
int32 MuteNthChild(  Jugglee *JglPtr, int32 SeqNum, int32 IfMute )
    Jugglee *Child;
    int32 Result;

DBUG(("Set mute of #%d to %d\n", SeqNum, IfMute));

    Result = GetNthFromObject( JglPtr, SeqNum, &Child);
    if(Result < 0)
        ERR(("Jugglee has no %dth child.\n", SeqNum));
        return 0;

        TagArg Tags[2];

        Tags[0].ta_Tag = JGLR_TAG_MUTE;
        Tags[0].ta_Arg = (TagData)IfMute;
        Tags[1].ta_Tag = TAG_END;

        Result = SetObjectInfo(Child, Tags);

    return Result;

** Play a Collection, a Sequence or any other Juggler object.
** Fancy version incorporates Muting and Pause tests.
Err pmfPlayScoreMute ( Jugglee *JglPtr, uint32 NumReps )
    AudioTime CurTime, NextTime, PauseTime, ResumeTime, DeltaTime;
    int32 Result;
    int32 NextSignals, CueSignal, SignalsGot;
    Item MyCue;
    uint32 Joy;
    int32 QuitNow, i;
    int32 Muted[8];  /* Keep track of which ones are muted. */
    ControlPadEventData cped;

    for( i=0; i<8; i++) Muted[i] = 0;
    QuitNow = 0;

    CHECKRESULT(MyCue, "CreateItem Cue");
    CueSignal = GetCueSignal ( MyCue );

/* Drive Juggler using Audio timer. */
/* Delay start by 1/2 second by adding to avoid stutter on startup. */
    NextTime = GetAudioTime() + 120;
    CurTime = NextTime;
    DeltaTime = 0;

DBUG(("pmfPlayScoreFancy: Start at time %d\n", NextTime ));
    StartObject ( JglPtr , NextTime, NumReps, NULL );

/* Use Control Pad to experiment with Muting (optional). */
/* Read current state of Control Pad. */
        Result = GetControlPad (1, FALSE, &cped);
        if (Result < 0) {
            ERR(("Error in GetControlPad\n"));
            PrintError(0,"read control pad in","pmfPlayScoreMute",Result);
        Joy = cped.cped_ButtonBits;

/* Define a macro to simplify code. */
#define TestMute(Mask,SeqNum) \
    if((Joy & Mask) && !Muted[SeqNum]) \
    { \
        MuteNthChild( JglPtr, SeqNum, TRUE); \
        Muted[SeqNum] = TRUE; \
    } \
    else if( !(Joy & Mask) && Muted[SeqNum] ) \
    { \
        MuteNthChild( JglPtr, SeqNum, FALSE); \
        Muted[SeqNum] = FALSE; \
        TestMute(ControlA,     0);
        TestMute(ControlB,     1);
        TestMute(ControlC,     2);
        TestMute(ControlUp,    3);
        TestMute(ControlRight, 4);
        TestMute(ControlDown,  5);
        TestMute(ControlLeft,  6);

        if(Joy & ControlLeftShift)
            PRT(("Time = 0x%x\n", GetAudioTime() ));

/* Pause by slipping Juggler time against clock time. */
        if(Joy & ControlRightShift)
            PauseTime = GetAudioTime();
            PRT(("Pause at %d\n", PauseTime ));
                Result = GetControlPad (1, TRUE, &cped);
                if (Result < 0) {
                    PrintError(0,"read control pad in","pmfPlayScoreMute",Result);
            } while( (cped.cped_ButtonBits & ControlRightShift) == 0);
            ResumeTime = GetAudioTime();
            PRT(("Resume at %d\n", ResumeTime ));
            DeltaTime += (ResumeTime - PauseTime);
            GetControlPad (1, TRUE, &cped);

        if(Joy & ControlX)      /* Forced Quit */
            StopObject( JglPtr, CurTime );
            QuitNow = TRUE;
/* Request a timer wake up at the next event time. */
            Result = SignalAtTime( MyCue, NextTime + DeltaTime );
            if (Result < 0) return Result;

/* Wait for timer signal or signal(s) from BumpJuggler */
            SignalsGot = WaitSignal( CueSignal | NextSignals );
/* Sleeping now until we get signalled. */
            if (SignalsGot & CueSignal)
                CurTime = NextTime;
                CurTime = GetAudioTime() - DeltaTime;

/* Tell Juggler to do its thing. Result > 0 if done. */
            Result = BumpJuggler( CurTime, &NextTime, SignalsGot, &NextSignals );

    } while ( (Result == 0) && (QuitNow == 0));

    DeleteItem( MyCue );

    return Result;
documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/mgsfldr/mpgfldr/09mpg013.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by