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Get current status of an SPPlayer.


int32 spGetPlayerStatus (const SPPlayer *player)


Returns a set of flags indicating the current state of an SPPlayer. The most useful thing about this function is that it can be used to find out when an SPPlayer has finished playing.


  • player Pointer to SPPlayer to interrogate.

Return Value

Any combination of the following SP_STATUS_F_ flags (always a non-negative value):


  • SP_STATUS_F_READING This flag indicates that there's more data to read. It is set by spStartReading() and cleared when there is no more to read (by spStartReading() or spService()), or when spStop() is called.
  • SP_STATUS_F_PLAYING This flag indicates that playback is underway. It is set by spStartPlaying() and cleared by spStop().
  • SP_STATUS_F_PAUSED This flag indicates that player has been paused. It is set by spPause() and cleared by spResume(), spStop(), spStartPlaying(). This flag is really only meaningful when SP_STATUS_F_PLAYING is set.


Library call implemented in music.lib V24.

Associated Files

soundplayer.h, music.lib

See Also

spStartReading(), spStartPlaying(), spStop()

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/mgsfldr/mprfldr/02mpr077.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by