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Function Calls

The following list contains the function calls that handle linked lists. See Kernel Folio Calls, in the 3DO System Programmer's Reference for more information on these calls.

Initializing a List

The following calls initialize a list:

  • InitList() Initializes a list.
  • INITLIST() Statically initializes a list.

Adding Nodes to a List

The following calls handle nodes:

  • AddHead() Adds a node to the head of a list.
  • AddTail() Adds a node to the tail of a list.
  • InsertNodeAfter() Inserts a node after another node already in a list.
  • InsertNodeBefore() Inserts a node before another node already in a list.
  • InsertNodeFromHead()Inserts a node into a list.
  • InsertNodeFromTail() Inserts a node into a list.
  • UniversalInsertNode() Inserts a node into a list.

Changing the Priority of a List Node

The following call changes the priority of a node:

  • SetNodePri() Changes the priority of a list node.

Removing Nodes From a List

The following calls remove nodes from a list:

  • RemHead() Removes the first node from a list.
  • RemNode() Removes a specified node from a list.
  • RemTail() Removes the last node from a list.

Checking to See If a List Is Empty

The following call checks if a list is empty:

  • IsListEmpty() Checks whether a list is empty.

Testing Nodes and Lists

The following calls are used to test nodes and lists:

  • IsNode() Checks whether a node is an actual node or the tail (end-of-list) anchor.
  • IsNodeB() Tests whether the node is an actual node or the head (beginning-of-list) anchor.

Traversing a Linked List

The following calls are used to traverse a list:

  • FirstNode() Gets the first node in a list.
  • LastNode() Gets the last node in a list.
  • NextNode() Gets the next node in a list.
  • PrevNode() Gets the previous node in a list.
  • ScanList()Walks through all the nodes in a list.
  • ScanListB() Walks through all the nodes in a list backwards.

Finding a Node by Name

The following call finds a node by name.

  • FindNamedNode() Finds a node by specifying its name.

Ordinal Node Position Functions

The following functions deal with nodes using their ordinal position in a list.

  • FindNodeFromHead() Finds a node in a list by counting from the head of the list.
  • FindNodeFromTail() Finds a node in a list by counting from the tail of the list.
  • GetNodePosFromHead() Determines the position of a node within a list, counting from the head of the list.
  • GetNodePosFromTail() Determines the position of a node within a list, counting from the tail of the list.

Counting the Nodes in a List

  • GetNodeCount() Counts the number of nodes in a list.
  • DumpNode() Prints contents of a node to the debugging terminal.
documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/pgsfldr/spg/04spg014.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by