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Pathnames and Filenames

Gaining access to files is done by describing the files using pathnames. Pathnames provide a description of the location of files within a file system hiearchy. The 3DO file system uses pathnames akin to those used in UNIX. An absolute pathname is of the form:

/file system/dir1/dir2/dir3/(more)/dirN/filename

Each task in Portfolio has a current directory associated with it. Relative pathnames describe a location relative to a known directory. An absolute pathname always starts with a backslash ( /), while a relative pathname never does.

A relative pathname can be in one of three forms:

filename dir/filename dir1/dir2/(more)/dirN/filename

Relative pathnames can be used in either of two ways:

  • In the OpenDiskFile() call, pathnames specify a path relative to the current task's current directory.
  • In the OpenDiskFileInDir() call, pathnames specify a path relative to a directory whose item is specified in the call.

In addition, three special conventions are used to further describe the 3DO directory structure. A path component of a full stop (.) indicates the current directory. A path component of two full stops (..) indicates the parent directory. Finally, a caret (^) indicates the root of the file system.

Each pathname component should not be longer than 31 characters. In addition, certain characters are not allowed in component names. These illegal characters are backslash (/), dollar sign ($), left bracket ( { ), right bracket ( } ), and a pipe (|).

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/pgsfldr/spg/11spg002.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by