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Deletes a thread.


Err DeleteThread( Item x )


This procedure deletes a thread.


  • x The item number of the thread to be deleted.

Return Value

The procedure returns a value greater than or equal to 0 if the thread was successfully deleted or an error code if an error occurs.


Convenience call implemented in clib.lib V20.

Associated Files

  • task.h ANSI C Prototype
  • clib.lib ARM Link Library


Although threads may be deleted as soon as the parent task has finished using it by calling DeleteThread(), threads are automatically deleted when they return, call exit(), or when their parent task is deleted or dies.

Threads share memory with their parent tasks. This means that:

  • Memory that was allocated by a thread also belongs to the parent task.
  • Memory that was allocated by a thread is not automatically deallocated when the thread is deleted but instead remains the property of the parent task.

If you create a thread using CreateThread(), you must delete it using DeleteThread(), which does special cleanup work.

See Also

CreateThread(), exit()

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/pgsfldr/spr/01spr037.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by