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File Folio Calls

This chapter lists the file folio calls in alphabetical order. The list below is a quick summary of each, followed by the page number where you'll find the procedure described.

  • ChangeDirectory Changes the current directory.
  • CloseDirectory Closes a directory.
  • CloseDiskFile Closes a file.
  • CloseDiskStream Closes a disk stream.
  • CreateAlias Creates a file system alias.
  • CreateFile Creates a file.
  • DeleteFile Deletes a file.
  • ExecuteAsSubroutine Executes previously loaded code as a subroutine.
  • ExecuteAsThread Executes previously loaded code as a thread.
  • GetDirectory Gets the item number and pathname for the current directory.
  • LoadCode Loads a binary image into memory, and obtains a handle to it.
  • LoadProgram Loads a binary image and spawns it as a task.
  • LoadProgramPrio Loads a binary image and spawns it as a task, with priority.
  • OpenDirectoryItem Opens a directory specified by an item.
  • OpenDirectoryPath Opens a directory specified by a pathname.
  • OpenDiskFile Opens a disk file.
  • OpenDiskFileInDir Opens a disk file contained in a specific directory.
  • OpenDiskStream Opens a disk stream for stream-oriented I/O.
  • ReadDirectory Reads the next entry from a directory.
  • ReadDiskStream Reads from a disk stream.
  • SeekDiskStream Performs a seek operation on a disk stream.
  • UnloadCode Unloads a binary image previously loaded with LoadCode().
documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/pgsfldr/spr/02spr.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by