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Saving animated brushes and selections

Once you have created an animated brush or selection, you can save it for use in another animation. This section shows you how to do this.

Auto-save brush files

Each time you create an animated brush, 3DO Animator saves it in a temporary file in the directory in which it resides. To save the brush for your own use, however, you should use the Save Brush dialog.

Saving an animated brush

To save an animated brush, follow these steps:

<HTML><ol></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>Select the Brush tool.<HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML><HTML><p></HTML>Choose Save Brush.<HTML></p></HTML> <HTML><p></HTML>The Save Brush dialog appears.<HTML></p></HTML><HTML></li></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>Choose a name that will make it easy for you to remember you saved a brush.<HTML></li></HTML><HTML></ol></HTML>

Saving an animated selection

3DO Animator lets you select and save part of an animation. This allows you to save only parts of the picture, or only a partial sequence of frames.

How to save an animated selection

  1. Use a selection tool to select the area you want to save.
  2. From the Anim menu, choose Anim Selection, then Pickup Selection from the submenu.
  3. When 3DO Animator has picked up all frames in the selection, deselect it and choose Save As from the File menu.
  4. Give the selection a unique name, and click Save.

You can now load the animated selection into a different animation.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/anifldr/3anid.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by