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Building a target-specific library

When the target-dependent files have been provided, construction of a library proceeds as follows:

cd util
cc -o makemake makemake.c

(Since makemake is written portably in 'classic' C it should just compile and go. The options to C compilers vary, but most support this way of making an executable program called makemake from the source makemake.c)

cd ..
util\makemake targetdir [hostdir]

(hostdir is needed only if it is different from targetdir) (under DOS, use util/makemake ...)

cd hostdir
make depend

(this augments Makefile; as a side-effect it also makes the assembler-sourced objects.)


(this makes armlib.o ... if everything succeeds).

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/arrfldr/2arrb.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by