Site Tools


ARM tool release components

The ARM Software Development Toolkit consists of the following three main release components:

Programming and modelling tools

The following programming tools are included in this toolkit release:

Table 1:  
Tool                 |Description                       
armcc                |The ARM C compiler                
armasm               |The ARM Assembler                 
armlink              |The ARM Linker                    
armsd                |The ARM Symbolic Debugger         
armwd                |The ARM Windowing Debugger        
armlib               |The ARM Librarian                 
decaof               |The ARM Object File Decoder       
topcc                |A PCC to ANSI C dialect conversion
reconfig             |The ARM Tools reconfiguation      
armmake              |The ARM Make Utility (PC release  

A brief description of each of these tools together with details on how to invoke them is given in The ARM C Compiler.

Retargetable libraries

Two retargetable libraries are supplied:

  • The ARM ANSI C Library, supplied in both source form and as object libraries ready to be used with armsd and pisd.
  • The minimal standalone C runtime support system. This is supplied as ARM Assembler, and is all that is needed to support unhosted, ARM targetted C.

For example usage of the retargetable libraries refer to the ARM Software Tools Cookbook. A further introduction to them is given in An Introduction to the Run-Time Libraries. Detailed information on porting the ARM targetted ANSI C Library is given in the chapter ARM C Library Porting Guide of the Reference Manual.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/augfldr/0augfrsta.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by