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3DO Debugger menus

This section discusses all 3DO Debugger menu commands.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are listed with each command and also summarized on the Quick Reference card that is part of your documentation package.

The File menu

The File menu controls how the 3DO Debugger tool operates as an application on the Macintosh.

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Figure 1: File menu.


Does nothing and is always disabled.


Closes the active window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-W


Produces an ASCII text file of the active Data window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-S


Displays the Directories submenu, which offers the commands listed in the following table:

Table 1:  Subcommands of the Directories command.
Command       |Description                              
Current       |Displays the current Source Directory    
Source...     |pathway. To modify the current source    
              |directory, use Directories > Setup.      
Current       |Displays the current Data Directory      
Data...       |pathway. To modify the current data      
              |directory, use Directories > Setup.      
Setup...      |Presents a standard Macintosh directory  
              |selection dialog, which allows you to    
              |select the directory where source and    
              |data files are found. Set the source     
              |directory to the folder location of the  
              |source file, the data directory to the   
              |location of the .sym file.               

Note: You can also set source directories using a .spt script file. See Using an spt script file to set source directories for more information.

Save Config

Saves the current window positions and settings as part of the preferences file.

Save Config As...

Saves the current window positions and settings as a separate file.

Load Config...

Opens a file previously created with the Save Config As command. The file specifies window positions and settings.

Start CD Access Log...

Causes the Debugger to start collecting information about CD-ROM access in a log file. You are prompted for the location of the file. CD access is performed by a number of functions in the filesystem folio. If you are working with a version of the system that does not have a CD-ROM attached, CD-ROM access is simulated. You can use this command to determine how much of a program's time is spent retrieving data from the CD-ROM.

Page Setup...

Displays the standard Macintosh Page Setup dialog for changing page size, orientation, and other defaults for printing 3DO Debugger windows.


Prints the active window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-P

Special Mode

When you select this mode, the Debugger no longer goes through the main event loop and gives high priority to file I/O. As a result, your program runs much faster than in normal mode. When you select Special Mode, a dialog informs you that you can click the mouse button or press any key to return to normal mode.

Loop On...

Allows looping on a script, useful when preparing a standalone demonstration program. If you select Loop On, you are prompted for a file, which has to be a shell script or a 3DO application. The file is executed in the foreground repeatedly until you click the mouse button or press a key. At that time, the current cycle is executed to completion but no new cycle is started.

No Target Check

Select this item to temporarily disconnect the Macintosh from the 3DO Station. The Macintosh will ignore any incoming message or I/O request from the 3DO Station. To resume normal communication, uncheck the item. You shouldn't have to use this feature during a normal debugging session.


This command is always disabled.

Release & Quit

Releases the 3DO Station by executing a Go command, then quits the application. For more information on the Go command, see The Execution menu.


Quits the application and returns to the Finder.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-Q

The Edit menu

The Edit menu lets you edit text, clear the active Variables window, and display the Preferences dialog boxes.

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Figure 2: Edit menu.


Reverts your last editing operation to the original value.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-Z


Deletes selected text and puts it on the Clipboard, replacing the previous contents of the Clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-X


Copies selected text to the Clipboard, replacing the previous contents of the Clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-C


Inserts a copy of the Clipboard contents at the insertion point or replaces selected text.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-V


Deletes aselected variable if the Variables window is the active window. Otherwise, clears the entire Terminal window.

Select All

Selects all text in the Terminal window if it is the active window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-A


Changes fonts in the active Data and Terminal windows. This command is dimmed if it does not affect the active window.


Displays a dialog box for selecting preferences and downloading flash ROM. This dialog box is discussed in Preferences and Configuration dialog box.

The View menu

The View menu opens 3DO Debugger windows or brings them to the front if they are open already. The Debugger displays a list of all Variables windows it creates during one session at the bottom of the menu. You can make a Variables window active by selecting it in that list. You can also send a selected variable from the active Source window to the Variables window that receives data for display.

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Figure 3: View menu.

New Window

Opens a new Disassembly, Data, or Source window.

If you hold down the Shift key while opening a new display window, the selection in the active window is used as the base address for the new window.

Keyboard shortcuts:

Command-J (DisAsm) Command-B (Data) Command-K (Source)


Opens a new Variables window. To bring an already open one to the front, select it from the list of open display windows at the bottom of the View menu.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-M


Opens (or brings to the front) the ARM CPU Registers window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-R


Opens (or brings to the front) the ARM CPU Stack window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-E


Opens (or brings to the front) the Symbol window for the current program.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-Y


Opens (or brings to the front) the BreakPoints window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-U


Opens (or brings to the front) the Terminal window.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-T


Opens the Target Clock window, which displays the current ticks of the program running on the 3DO Station in hexadecimal and microseconds.

Send Variable Data

Allows you to send a variable selected in the Source window to the Variable window that receives data.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-D

(Open Display Windows)

Lists all openVariables windows at their examined addresses. Select one to bring it to the front.

The Execution menu

The Execution menu controls the execution of the program running on the 3DO Station.

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Figure 4: Execution menu.


Starts execution at the current value of the program counter (PC). If you've just launched the Debugger, use this command to release the operating system.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-G


Stops the current task on the 3DO Station but not the operating system. If the current task was not your program but a system task, you may need to try again.

If you know the program well, a better way to stop it is to display a Source or Disassembly window and set a breakpoint on an instruction likely to be executed. The program will then stop at the break.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-. (Command-Period)

HW Reset...

Prompts whether you want to reset the target hardware. If you confirm, resets and relaunches the target when you press Command-G.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-H


Provides a menu which has a submenu of available trace options:

  • In-Traces into subroutines and functions. Keyboard shortcut: Command-I
  • Over-Traces across subroutines and functions. Keyboard shortcut: Command-O

Step Over

Executes one instruction at the current value of the program counter (PC), stepping over subroutines and function calls. If a Source window is active (with the Examine field set to PC), one source line will be executed; otherwise, one opcode will be executed. (See Note below.)

Keyboard shortcut: Command-, (Command-Comma)

Step In

Executes one instruction at the current value of the program counter (PC), stepping into subroutines and function calls but stepping over system calls. By default, one opcode is executed. If a Source window is active, one source line is executed. (See Note below.)

Keyboard shortcut: Command-; (Command-Semicolon)

Note: Sometimes, the 3DO Debugger does not step and requests that a Source window be set to PC. If that happens, create a new Source window (Command-K) and try again. If you always keep one Source window set to PC, this condition will never occur.

Kill Aborted Task

If a task causes an abort, the Debugger takes control. You then have two choices: Make an appropriate change, for example, change a variable, and then continue execution, or kill the task that caused the abort using the Kill Aborted Task command. This allows you to execute a new task without performing a Hardware Reset.


Prompts you for a program to execute. Using this command is similar to typing the program's name into the Terminal window, but sets up directories appropriately in addition to executing the program.

The Target menu

The Target menu controls launching, downloading, and dumping the program running on the 3DO Station and to access the performance analyzer.

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Figure 5: Target menu.


Displays a dialog box for selecting a script to execute.

  • Execute Current (or pressing Return) selects the named script.
  • Execute lets you specify a new script.
  • Cancel (or pressing the Escape or Command key) lets you use the Debugger without a script. This allows you to examine memory, but not much else.

Keyboard shortcut: Command-L

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Figure 6: Launch dialog box.


Presents a standard Macintosh file selection dialog box for downloading binary files to the 3DO Station.

Memory Dump...

Displays a dialog box that lets you dump target RAM as a binary image file. Enter the start and end addresses, then select Dump to create the output binary file.

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Figure 7: Memory Dump dialog box.

Performance Analyzer...

Displays the Performance Analyzer dialog box, which lets you monitor the percentage of execution time spent in different routines.

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Figure 8: Performance analyzer dialog box.

Click Start Sampling to begin collecting samples; click Stop Sampling to pause the sampling process. Click Stop & Quit to stop the sampling process. Output goes to a text file called 3DODebug.Perf. The performance analyzer reports:

  • how much time is spent in execution of the user task and how much time is spent on system tasks and other overhead
  • how much time is spent in the different functions in the user task

You can get both hierarchical and nonhierarchical samples in the report. A hierarchical sample provides all calling functions for each function that is called.

Note: Since the performance analyzer itself affects the performance of the system, you only get a rough estimate of the actual performance when you use it.

Redirect Terminal

Writes a copy of all terminal output to a file you specify.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/dbgfldr/2dbga.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by