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Detail display windows

The 3DO Debugger tool offers the following detail displays for investigating program structure and working with breakpoints and variables:

The Registers window

The Registers window displays all CPU registers in Supervisor (SVC), User, FIRQ, IRQ, Abort, and Undefined modes with associated PC, SPSR (where applicable), and CPSR.

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Figure 1: CPU Registers window.

This section first provides an annotated illustration of the window, then discusses the different View options available from the pop-up menu.

Register Editing

The following table illustrates performing edit operations in the Registers window.

Table 1:  Working with the CPU Registers window.
To...             |Do this...                           
Change a register |Click on it to select it, then enter 
                  |or paste any valid expression.       
Set or Clear the  |Click the appropriate Status checkbox
current status    |and check it to set the bit, clear it
and/or interrupt  |to clear the bit. You can achieve the
bits (CPSR)       |same result by editing the CPSR field
Set or clear the  |Select and edit the SPSR displayed   
saved status and  |value. If the SPSR field is not      
interrupt bits    |associated with the correct mode, it 
(SPSR)            |is dimmed and displays "not avbl."   
                  |You cannot edit the field.           
Change the program|Select and edit the displayed PC     
counter (PC)      |value.                               

Registers window View options

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Figure 2: Registers window View options.

Use the Registers window View menu to select the operating mode.

  • To display a specific operating mode (Svc, User, FIRQ, IRQ, Abort, or Undefined) register set, select the desired mode from the View menu.
  • To always display the register set of the current operating mode, select Current.

The Symbol window

The Symbol window lists all symbols for the current program. You can copy symbols from the Symbol window and paste them into the Examine field of any other window.

Graphic cannot be displayed

Figure 3: Symbol window.

The following table illustrates how you can work with the Symbol window.

Table 2:  Working with the Symbol window
To...          |Do this...                              
Open the window|Press Command-Y or choose Symbols from  
               |the View menu to view the Symbol window.
Change the     |By default, symbols are sorted by name. 
sorting        |To sort them by address, click the      
algorithm      |Address radio button. To resort them by 
               |name, click the Name radio button.      
Use auto-search|The Symbol window supports auto-search  
               |in the Symbol field at the bottom of the
               |window. Entering the beginning          
               |characters of a symbol and pressing     
               |Return highlights the first matching    
               |symbol. If you're debugging C++ code,   
               |the Symbol window shows mangled         
               |names.After a search, you can copy a    
               |symbol from the editable field at the   
               |bottom of the window, even for a partial
documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/dbgfldr/2dbgh.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by