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Sends a control message.


int32 DSControl (Item msgItem, DSRequestMsgPtr reqMsg, DSStreamCBPtr streamCBPtr, DSDataType streamType, long userDefinedOpcode, void* userDefinedArgPtr)


Sends a control message to the DataStreamer, which broadcasts it to all subscribers receiving data of the type specified by streamType.

DSControl() sets

  • the members of the message data structure required to identify it as a control message
  • the type of stream to which it should be broadcast
  • the actual action code. (The message is the DSRequestMsg identified by reqMsg.)

If a message is specified, DSControl() sends the message and returns immediately. If no message is specified (if reqMsg is NULL), DSControl() creates a message, sends it to the DataStreamer, and waits until the message has been received before returning.


  • msgItem Item of the request message.
  • reqMsg Pointer to the DSRequestMsg message that is formatted and sent to the DataStreamer. A value of NULL forces creation of an internal DSRequestMsg message and synchronous operation.
  • streamCBPtr Pointer to the stream context block.
  • streamType Type of stream to which the control message applies.
  • userDefinedOpcode Defined by the subscriber.
  • userDefinedArgPtr Defined by the subscriber.


The members of reqMsg are set to the following values:

  • whatToDo kDSOpControl
  • msg.control.streamType streamType
  • msg.control.userDefinedOpcode
  • msg.control.userDefinedArgPtr

Return Value

  • Value Error Condition
  • 0 None

These values are returned if the DataStreamer encounters an error while processing the message request:

  • kDSInvalidDSRequest Invalid message (whatToDo set to invalid value)
  • kDSNoReplyPortErr Could not locate item of the reply port
  • -1 Could not locate pointer to msgItem
  • (Portfolio error code) SendMsg() or WaitPort() failed

The DataStreamer checks the validity of messages only if message checking is enabled when the DataStreamer is compiled (if the VALIDATE_REQUEST_CODE symbol is enabled).

See “Error Messages” in the 3DO Portfolio Reference Manual for a listing of error messages returned by SendMsg() and WaitPort().

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documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/dsrfldr/01dsr021.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by