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Starts a stream.


int32 DSStartStream (Item msgItem, DSRequestMsgPtr reqMsg, DSStreamCBPtr streamCBPtr, unsigned long startOptions)


Sends a message requesting the DataStreamer to start the specified stream. While the stream is running, the stream thread repeatedly distributes data chunks from its buffers to its subscribers and then refills them with succeeding chunks of stream data.

DSStartStream() sets the members of the message data structure required to start the stream. (The message is the DSRequestMsg identified by reqMsg). If a message is specified, DSStartStream() sends the message and returns immediately. If no message is specified (if reqMsg is NULL), DSStartStream() creates a message, sends it to the DataStreamer, and waits until the message has been received before returning.


  • msgItem Item of the request message.
  • reqMsg Pointer to the DSRequestMsg message that is formatted and sent to the DataStreamer. A value of NULL forces creation of an internal DSRequestMsg message and synchronous operation.
  • streamCBPtr Pointer to the stream context block.
  • startOptions SOPT_FLUSH to flush the stream buffers before starting, otherwise zero or SOFT_NOFLUSH.


The members of reqMsg are set to the following values:

  • whatToDo kDSOpStartStream
  • msg.start.options startOptions

Return Value

  • Value Error Condition
  • 0 None

These values are returned if the DataStreamer encounters an error while processing the message request:

  • kDSInvalidDSRequest Invalid message (whatToDo set to invalid value)
  • kDSNoReplyPortErr Could not locate item of the reply port
  • -1 Could not locate pointer to msgItem
  • (Portfolio error code) SendMsg() or WaitPort() failed

The DataStreamer checks the validity of messages only if message checking is enabled when the DataStreamer is compiled (if the VALIDATE_REQUEST_CODE symbol is enabled).

See “Error Messages” in the 3DO Portfolio Reference Manual for a listing of error messages returned by SendMsg() and WaitPort().

Associated Files


See Also

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/dsrfldr/01dsr029.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by