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Creates a data stream.


int32 NewDataStream (DSStreamCBPtr *pCtx, void* bufferListPtr, long bufferSize, long deltaPriority, long numSubsMsgs)


Creates a new stream thread. The DataStreamer environment must be initialized with InitDataStreaming() before a new stream thread can be created.

The task priority of the stream thread is calculated in relation to the priority of its parent task. If deltaPriority is set to zero, the thread has the same priority as its parent task.


  • pCtx Pointer to the location to which the new stream context pointer should be returned.
  • bufferListPtr Pointer to a list of buffers the data stream process should use.
  • bufferSize Size of each buffer in the list.
  • deltaPriority Increase or decrease in task priority of the stream thread.
  • numSubsMsgs Number of subscriber messages allocated for the new stream thread.

Return Value

  • Value Error Condition

(Value of creatorStatus field in context block of new stream thread)

  • 0 Could not allocate stack memory for new stream thread
  • kDSNoMemErr Could not allocate memory for the stream context
  • kDSNoSignalErr Could not allocate signal for thread initialization
  • kDSSignalErr Received incorrect initialization signal
  • (Portfolio error code) CreateItem() failed to create an item for the new stream thread

Associated Files


See Also

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/dsrfldr/01dsr049.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by