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MPW tool that creates a stream.


weaver [options] -o output_file < script_file


The Weaver tool takes as input a script file that references one or more chunked files and writes one stream that consists of interleaved chunks from all input files. The weaver script determines how weaving is done (See Weaver Script Commands. Weaver script files consists of commands and comments:

  • Commands start with a Weaver command followed by command arguments.
  • Comments are lines starting with a #.


  • -iobs <size> Buffer size (default is 32,768 bytes).
  • -b <time> Output stream start time
  • -s <size> Output stream block size
  • -m <size> Output stream media block size
  • -o <file> Output stream file name
  • -mm <num> Max markers to allow
  • -v Toggle verbose diagnostic output


The following example weaves a sound file created with sftostream:

Weaver -v -o MySoundTestWeave < MySoundScript

The script file contains the following lines:

streamblocksize 32768
streamstarttime 0
file Tree:Sounds:MySoundTest 1 0

The Weaver does the following:

  • Finds the MySoundScript file, defined in the MySoundScript file.
  • Uses the option -v for verbose.
  • Uses the option -o to create the output file MySoundTestWeave.

Note: Make sure to quote file or folder names that contain spaces.

See Also

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