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The File menu

Commands in the FontWriter File menu let you access the Font Selection window to choose a font in the System folder. You can also open a font, close a font-editing session, save the font in a 3DO-readable format, save as, and save the font in a format displayable on a 3DO System. The commands are described in Table 2-3.

Graphic cannot be displayed

Figure 1: FontWriter File menu.

Table 1:  Fontwriter File menu commands.
Command     |Description                                
New         |Displays the Font Selection window.        
Open        |Brings up a Macintosh File Selection dialog
            |for opening a font previously created with 
            |the 3DO FontWriter. Note: You can't open a 
            |font saved as a 3DO font.                  
Close       |Closes the current font-editing session and
            |prompts you to save changes.               
Save        |Saves a font in a 3DO FontWriterreadable   
            |format. You cannot display this format on  
            |the 3DO system.                            
Save As     |Prompts for a new filename and saves the   
            |font in a 3DO FontWriterreadable format.   
            |You cannot display this format on the 3DO  
Save 3DO    |Saves the font in a format you can display 
Font        |on the 3DO system but cannot load back into
            |the 3DO FontWriter. The filename extension 
            |is .3do.                                   
Quit        |Quits the application. If you've made      
            |changes, you are prompted whether to save  
            |them or not.                               
documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/fowfldr/02fow007.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by