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Introduction to 3DO Graphics

This document explains how the 3DO system processes art and what your options are for art preparation. By explaining the 3DO hardware capabilities, it empowers the artist to make best use of the hardware and the tools. The document also provides an overview of all tools and contains some troubleshooting advice based on developer input.


This document is for developers who want to produce art for 3DO titles. While the main emphasis is on still art and animation, font creation and video processing tools are also discussed briefly.

How this document is organized

Preparing Art for 3DO Titles explains how the 3DO hardware processes the different 3DO graphics types and provides an overview of working with them.

Tools for 3DO Art Production provides a table of all graphic types and tools and a table of each tool and what you can use it for.

Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting contains tips from the 3DO art production team. It also provides answers to frequently asked questions about 3DO art production.

Using the 3DO Frame Grabber describes how to use the 3DO Frame Grabber to preview art on the TV screen.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/ginfldr/0ginfrst.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by