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Video and animations

This section covers typical questions and answers concerning video and animation for the 3DO system. Select frome of the following topics:

From PICT to Cinepak

Q: Can I convert a sequence of TARGA, PICT, TIFF, or other files to QuickTime or Cinepak?

A: You can convert a sequence of PICT files to a QuickTime movie and from there to Cinepak . You can also convert TARGA and TIFF files to PICT format and from there to Cinepak. If you want, you can create an animation from your sequence of PICT files using 3DO Animator.

For more information, see the 3DO Video Processing Guide.

Resolution for video

Q: Should I retain 16 or 32 bits of color when I convert TARGA files to PICT files for the ConvertToMovie tool?

A: If you want to use the movie as a master from which to create other movies, save it in the highest-quality format possible. You can downsample or compress 32-bit movies at a later date, but it's hard to improve the quality of a movie once it's at a lower resolution.

Converting from DVI or Video for Windows to Cinepak

Q: Can I convert from DVI or from Video for Windows to Cinepak?

A: Not easily. The best you can do is export each frame of the DVI movie to a TIFF or other “Still Interchange Format” frame, then have DeBabelizer covert to a PICT file with names such as “MyMovie.0001” through “MyMovie.9999” and import using ConvertToMovie 1.5. It's probably easier to just buy Macintosh digitizing hardware.

Video data rate and compression

Q: What is the proper data rate to use with video? Are there other compression techniques that can be used for approximately 160 x 160 moving images?

A: The data rate should be between 200 and 240 KB/s, depending on the complexity of the audio track. Currently only Cinepak (Compact Video) compression is supported. A beta version of a new codec is available in the Pioneers folder.


Q: Does the 3DO system support MPEG?

A: There will soon be an MPEG cartridge available for the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer\xaa . The cartridge will use a port. Only players that have it will be able to use MPEG. MPEG will be only visual, not interactive.

Saving animation to PC format

Q: How can I save animation files in 8-bit format for the PC platform? I am scanning the art, editing it in Photoshop, bringing it into 3DO Animator, and then trying to save in an 8-bit PC format.

A: Use QuickTime, which runs on both platforms.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/ginfldr/3ginb.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by