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Working with PatchDemo scripts

PatchDemo is a program that runs on the 3DO development system. It lets you experiment with DSP instruments in a fast and interactive way. Use this program to listen to and prototype complicated DSP instrument configurations for later use in a 3DO title.

Using PatchDemo and writing PatchDemo scripts is described in Creating Patches with ARIA.

How to use PatchDemo scripts with ARIA

ARIA lets you work with PatchDemo in two ways:

  • Write a PatchDemo script, then import it into ARIA and modify the blocks to suit your needs.
  • Create a patch in ARIA, then export it as a PatchDemo script. Load the script into PatchDemo and work with the patch there.

You can work with a PatchDemo script as follows:

To...                |Do this...                        
Import a PatchDemo   |From the File menu, choose Import 
script               |PatchDemo Script. ARIA creates and
                     |connects the blocks corresponding 
                     |to the script.                    
Export a PatchDemo   |From the File menu, choose Export 
script               |PatchDemo Script. ARIA creates a  
                     |script that corresponds to the    
                     |block structure of the current    


ARIA supports envelope blocks and PatchDemo does not. You therefore can't export patches containing envelope blocks.

PatchDemo supports delay lines and ARIA does not. You therefore can't import PatchDemo scripts referring to delay lines.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/sdtfldr/3stdh.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by