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Instruments Available in ARIA

This document provides a table of dsp instruments available for use in ARIA. The table lists both the name used in ARIA (friendly name) and the actual name of the DSP instrument.

dsp instrument       |ARIA friendly name             
envelope             |Envelope                       
add                  |a+b                            
addunsigned          |a+(unsigned) b                 
triangle             |Triangle Wave                  
impulse              |Impulse                        
noise                |White Noise                    
pulse                |Pulse Wave                     
randomhold           |Random Hold Noise              
rednoise             |Red Noise                      
sawtooth             |Sawtooth Wave                  
square               |Square Wave                    
dcsqxdhalfmono       |Cmprs/SQr/Xact/Delta/Half/Mono 
dcsqxdmono           |Cmprs/SQr/Xact/Delta/Mono      
fixedmono8           |8-bit fixed-frq mono           
fixedmonosample      |16-bit fixed-frq mono          
timesplusunsigned    |a x b + (unsigned) c           
fixedstereo8         |8-bit fixed-frq stereo         
fixedstereosample    |16-bit fized-fq stereo         
sampler              |16-bit var-frq mono (small)    
samplermod           |16-bit var-frq mono w/frq mod  
varmono16            |16-bit var-frq mono (fast)     
varmono8             |8-bit var-frq mono             
pulse_lfo            |Pulse LFO                      
square_lfo           |Square LFO                     
triangle_lfo         |TriangleLFO                    
submixer 2x2         |2x2 Submixer                   
submixer 4x2         |4x2 Submixer                   
submixer 8x2         |8x2 Submixer                   
svfilter             |State-variable Filter          
multiply             |a x b                          
timesplus            |a x b + c                      
envfollower          |Envelope Follower              
documentation/development/opera/pf25/tktfldr/sdtfldr/asdta.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:54 by