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Application Size Limitations

This section helps you work with application size limitations, discussing the following topics:

Factors Influencing Available Space

CD-ROM discs can hold up to 640 MB of information, which must include:

  • The title's program and art files
  • System files
  • CD-ROM access information generated during the CD layout process

In most cases, your title can use approximately 600 MB on the disc. The exact portion of the 640 MB for your application data is variable and depends in part on these factors:

  • How much space on the disc does the system require?
  • How large are the individual developer files?
  • How many avatars (instances) of the root, label, and directory files does the layout tool place on the disc?
  • Default numbers are: 3 directory avatars, 7 root avatars, and 2 label avatars. The cdrom.tcl file contains information on how to safely change the defaults.

Determining Available Space for Your Application

The only reliable way to determine exactly how large an application can fit on the disc is to run through the normal layout procedure described briefly below and in detail in the Preparing Simple cdrom.image Files:

  1. Place the executable and data files in the /cdrommaster/takeme folder
  2. Set the cdrom.image file size in the cdrom.tcl file to 640
  3. Run the layout tool

You can include the maximum amount of data when, in the cdrom.tcl file, image file size is set to 640 and the number of directory, root, and label avatars are all set to two. If you do this and the layout tool produces the error “Could not assign avatars for …,” you need to reduce your title's content.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/smmfldr/cdmfldr/02cdm001.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by