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Right to Manufacture Authorization and Royalty Payment

Before duplication of the software discs can begin, the 3DO accounting department must verify that a royalty payment method has been selected on the TAF. Accounting needs to receive a completed and approved TAF in compliance with one of the two payment methods listed below. Accounting then issues the RTM form directly to the authorized pressing facility.

Note: A Right to Manufacture (RTM) is required for pressing any 3DO titles. This includes the initial order and reorders.

Direct Method of Royalty Payment

The 3DO accounting department receives completed TAF from 3DO CD Operations, purchase order from licensee, and payment by wire transfer from licensee and issues an RTM form to the authorized pressing facility within one business day.

Indirect Method of Royalty Payment

The 3DO accounting department receives completed TAF from 3DO CD Operations, and a copy of the purchase order issued from licensee to authorized pressing facility, and issues RTM to authorized pressing facility.

Note: The indirect royalty payment method is strongly encouraged.

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/smmfldr/cdmfldr/06cdm002.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by