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Sets top and left margin in cel data buffer.


void SetTextCelMargins (TextCel *tCel, int32 leftMargin, int32 topMargin)


Sets the top and left margins within the cel data buffer. When you erase the text in a cel, the pen returns to the top and left margin values. When the pen encounters a newline in the text, the pen returns to the left-margin value (and down to the next text line).

If you set a margin value greater than the width and/or height of the cel, all text rendered into the cel will be clipped.


  • tCel Pointer to a TextCel structure.
  • leftMargin New left margin for the cel.
  • topMargin New top margin for the cel.

Associated Files

lib3do.lib, textlib.h

documentation/development/opera/pf25/ppgfldr/smmfldr/ldofldr/01ldo161.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 16:53 by